Events Exhibition K3 Staff

Swedish Design in Tokyo

Jonas Larson, teacher at the Product Design bachelor programme, is one of designers invited to the Swedish Style in Tokyo as part of Tokyo Design Week, October 28th – November 5th. The aim of the exhibitions is re-introduce the strong and obvious connection between designers and manufacturers. Jonas Larsen and Yukiko Tango, previous teacher at […]

Events Exhibition K3 Staff

Föreställningar at Malmö Konsthall

Anna Brag, senior lecturer and artist at K3, exhibits at Malmö Konsthall. The exhibtion Föreställningar is a collaboration between Anna and Gerthrud Alfredsson. Föreställningar is open 27.10.2017 – 8.1.2017. Föreställningar* is a joint project by Gertrud Alfredsson and Anna Brag about our ideas about various everyday phenomena. Central to the project is the technique of […]

Events K3 Students

K3 Career Mingle

Last night Malmö University Career Service arranged a career mingle for K3 students and alumni. The alumni and invited companies made short presentations and then the students had the opportunity to talk to the companies in smaller groups and mingle with the alumni. Companies at the event: CareerBuilder CleerPlus Duffy Agency Few! Topp


Hebocon Robotic Competition for the Technically Ungifted

On Friday Hebocon was arranged by the IOIO lab. Hebocon is a robot sumo-wrestling competition for those who are not technically gifted. It is a competition where crappy robots that can just barely move gather and somehow manage to engage in odd, awkward battles. Watch a short clip from TV4 here.

Education Events

K3 @ Bokmässan

Gunnar Krantz visited Bokmässan on Thursday and presented the field of comics in courses and research at K3. He also talked about the opportunities of collaboration from an international perspective. Courses in the field of comics at K3: Comics, International Perspectives Digital Comics Serieteckning och visuellt berättande

Events Research

Open Workshop – Document Decontamination: Mitigating Malice in the Archive

Living Archives invites to the open workshop “Document Decontamination: Mitigating Malice in the Archive”. Read more about the work shop here. When? Friday, September 23 2016, 13.15-14.00 Where? The communal 5th floor study space in Niagara (Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö). Living Archives is a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and run by Malmö […]

Events K3 PhD Students

Congratulation to Mahmoud Keshavarz

On Friday Mahmoud Keshavarz successfully defended his dissertation Design-Politics: An Inquiry into Passports, Camps and Borders.

Conferences Events K3 Students

Conference: Why Media and Communication Studies Matter

The second year of Media and Communication Studies Master’s Programme kicked off Tuesday with a two-day conference, “Why Studying Media and Communication Matters?”, where a selection of the previous year’s theses was presented to the new and continuing master students as a demonstration of the diversity in research available to students of the programme. The […]

Events K3 Staff

Extremist Communication by Michael Krona

Watch Michael Krona, senior lecturer at K3, talk about extremist communication from The Conference August 16, 2016.

Events K3 Staff Research

Refugees and the City – K3 @ Malmöfestivalen

Welcome to the Medea Vox and the Malmöfestivalen podcast stage (at Malmö Central Station by the Espresso House entrance) August 18, 16-18. Based on research carried out at the university, we will discuss how the institutions of the city could better enable more people to take part in society. Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, senior lecturer at K3 […]