IT & Ekonomi: Examensarbete 2020

Key Challenges in Technology Adaptation a study of the smart cart

As human beings, there is an inherent resistance to change. This is noticeable in bothorganisations and in everyday life. Change is associated with uncertainty and exertion for alot of people. Yet, in an ever-changing world we are constantly exposed to alterationswhether it is in our own home, at our workplace, school or other social functions we aretaking part in.

Given the fact that new technical innovations is introduced in all aspects of our society, thereis a gap in the understanding of technology adaptation. By broadening our understanding ofhow people adapt to new technology, we can acquire a better knowledge of the challengesthat consequently follow.

In this thesis, we are trying to understand the key challenges in technology adaptation withthe Smart Cart as an intermediate object. The Smart Cart is an innovation that mightrevolutionize the way we look at shopping experience. The main objective with thisinnovation is to make the shopping experience seamless for the costumer.

Since new innovation affect all of us and its intent is to aid us for a better standard of living,it is of utmost importance to research this matter further. We hope to contribute to this fieldby pinpointing the importance of understanding that these technical innovations are only asgood as how they are received by the people using them.

As the focus with this paper is to understand technology adaptation and to be able to do that,we need to understand how we as humans function. We are going to perform a relativelythorough literature study in technology adaptation in other fields and it-artifacts. Our maindata collection method is through a survey where we are going to construct a form regardingthe smart cart that will be sent out. We are doing this as an attempt to capture the generalopinions people have regarding new technology and what they might think of a Smart Cartand the challenges related to its presence in retail stores.

Maria Zaki, Sepideh A.-Broujerdi, Hanny Frank

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