Education K3 Staff

Interview with David Cuartielles in Ny Teknik

Contact: David Cuartielles


Screen Control by Interaction Design

Check out the screen control projects by the bachelor students at Interaction Design. Contact: Lars Holmberg

Education Events Exhibition

Parfym – att förpacka en illusion by Graphic Design

Welcome to the opening of Parfym – att förpacka en illusion with Graphic Design students (year 1) Friday April 15 17:00, Niagara 5th floor. Contact: Christel Brost Adress: Nordenskiöldsgatan 1 (5th floor)  

K3 Staff Research

Design and Social Innovation: why, what and how?

Sign up for ISU breakfast seminar 2016-04-06 8:00-9:00 with Anna Seravalli, senior lecturer at K3. Social innovation entails new services, products, practices that address issues of social and environmental sustainability. In the last years there has been a growing interest of how design can be at play in supporting the flourishing and development of social […]

Education Exhibition

Remake by Product Design

Årskurs två inom kandidatprogrammet Produktdesign ställer ut höstens Remake-projekt i Medeas lokal på entréplan i Niagara den 6-8 april. Där visar studenterna upp projekt utvecklade utifrån återvunnet/återbrukade material och i samarbete med Stadsmissionen. Resultatet är allt från vetevärmare till högtalare, kepsar, lampor etc. Varmt välkomna! Vernissage den 5/4 kl 16-18. Kontakt: Helena Ondrus Adress: Nordenskiöldsgatan […]

Conferences Research

Hybrid Matters at SIDeR

Read the press release about the research project Hybrid Matters and how mealworms can become future environmental heroes. Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl will present their research during the ongoing SIDeR-conference.

Exhibition K3 PhD Students

Bugs in the War Room

Don’t miss the exhibition Bugs in the War Room with PhD student Linda Hilfling at Overgaden – Institute of Contemporary Art, Overgaden neden Vandet 17, DK-1414 Copenhagen K +45 32577273, Tuesday-Sunday 1-5pm, Thursday 1-8pm. Chennai, India, New Year’s Eve 1999. A group of engineers are gathered in a war room where they are on […]

K3 Staff Research

Cities of Homefullness -­ seminar and workshop in Malmö 28th of April

Cities of Homefullness is a project of Swedish and Australian artists, designers, architects and housing researchers whose research traverses urban planning, creative and welfare based interventions into homelessness and social and affordable housing in Sweden and Australia. The Homefullness researchers combine expertise in urban planning, social work, co-­‐design, socially engaged art, urban and graphic design […]

Conferences K3 Students

SIDeR – Student Interaction Design Research Conference

This year’s SIDeR Student Interaction Design Research conference in Malmö on 1st and 2nd of April, is organized by the master programme of Interaction Design at K3. SIDeR is a yearly event for and by students held throughout northern Europe. The two day event will be a mixture of keynote lectures, demos, workshops and parties. The […]


Welcome to the K3 blog

This is where we will post news, information and other K3 happenings. Please stop by every now and then to check out what’s going on.