The students and teachers of the Co-Design course invite you to a Design Thing about city making and democracy A “Design Thing” is a hybrid of a democratic parliament and an experimental laboratory where participants collaboratively “make” decisions through exploring matters of concern. 8th of November 9.00-12.00 STORM, Malmö University. RSVP 2nd November to […]
A series of lectures by Pelle Ehn (professor emeritus at K3 The School of Arts and Communication) that overview 100 years of (collective) design out from the Scandinavian Participatory Design tradition.
For Malmö University research project Living Archives, the end is just the start. The final event was not just a celebration, but a way to continue the dialogue around digitisation, power and the future of archiving. Living Archives was started by a team of researchers from very different fields to explore the challenges of working […]
Who Cares? – Podcast
Who cares? A radio tale turns Gasworks London into a live broadcast studio in collaboration with the renowned experimental radio station Resonance FM. The project features a programme of newly commissioned and existing performances, sound works, and discussions which take up the subject of affective labour. Who cares? A radio tale is curated by Naz […]
När vi tänker på arbetaren ser vi ofta en man i blåställ framför oss. Men arbetarklassen har förändrats på senare år. Vår tids arbetare producerar oftare vård, omsorg och tjänster än industriprodukter och arbetarklassen har gått från att vara mans- till att vara kvinnodominerad. I medierna och i politiska diskussioner dominerar emellertid äldre bilder av […]
Each year, the Swedish Institute, The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and The Ministry for Foreign Affairs jointly recognise a number of exceptional international students at the Global Swede Award ceremony in Stockholm. The initiative aims to inspire students to act as ambassadors for Sweden and to strengthen international ties with future leaders. In order to be […]
How can social media be used to create new norms? Parents of children with disabilities often experience that their understanding of what is considered normal differs from other families’ perceptions. It can be easier to share triumphs and challenges, that may otherwise be difficult to express, in a private Facebook group. In such groups, parents […]
Cumulus Paris 2018
In April Daniel Gaffner, Nicklas Karlsson, Sofie Marie Ottsen Hansen and Elisabet Nilsson from K3 participated in the Cumulus Paris 2018 conference. The conference topic was “To get there Together” (say it quick with a French accent and see what happens). The conference took place at the four Parisian Schools of Art and Design, Boulle, Duperré, […]
Co-designing Malmö’s parking lots
While taking the course Co-design — Design, Participation, Democracy, five students dedicated themselves to exploring the topic of urban public spaces in Malmö. Camila Mahzouni, Manuel Siegel, Szymon Sulka, Kamila Wnorowska, and Hyejoo Yoo looked at what public spaces are, how participation within these spaces works, and, crucially, what citizens expect them to be like. […]
Malmö University DESIS Lab and MEDEA are producing a series of short interviews with design practitioners and researchers to explore if and how design can contribute to sustainability and social change in different contexts. This second interview is with Yanki Lee a social designer, design researcher and activist that has spent the past 20 years in […]