Education K3 Students

Greetings from MIIETL Summer Institute

Christel Brost and Graphic Design students Evelina Kramsu and Sissel Braekhus are now at the Summer Institute dealing with ‘Students as Partners in learning and teaching in higher education’ organised by the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL), Canada. Together with Malmö University pro vice-chancellor Cecilia Christersson and Patricia Staaf, director […]

Education K3 Students

And the winner is…

Graphic Design student Alexander Örn (first year student) is the winner of Svensk Kollektivtrafiks student competition. He has designed their new symbol for student discount. ”Med kreativ höjd och lekfullhet har vinnaren skapat en enkel och tydlig symbol för studentrabatter inom kollektivtrafiken. Symbolen är särskiljande i sin karaktär och lätt att arbeta in hos målgrupperna. […]