Exhibition K3 Students

There is a New Gallery in Town

Window Space has finally opened, and we welcome everyone to come by and have a look. Located on the fourth floor of Orkanen (room B436) students from different courses are given the opportunity to showcase their work. Every other month the exhibition will swap appearance to make place for new work. Window Space is a gallery by students and for students, but above all a place for inspiration and creativity.

Our first exhibitor is Signe Gabriel, a second year student in Visual Communication. Together with the artist we decided to print one of her characteristic works in large format, and when you see it you will understand why. It’s a work that attracts the viewer to discover more and more – an experience we are excited to share with you!

”The Wizard’s House is a personal illustration project done in watercolour, ink and gouache. With the characters appearing in multiple locations, it doesn’t illustrate a specific point in time, but is thought to be more of a portrait of the little Wizard. By being allowed to peek inside his home and see him in intimate, every-day situations, we got to know who he is. The more time we spend with it and the more hidden objects and clues we find, the more details we know about him. Working on this project became a very similar experience in itself – I didn’t know the Wizard at first either, and so the process became that of exploring a character rather than working from a finished idea. Every little detail had to make sense and add to who he is. It took time to slowly make my way around him, but the result is an illustration and a character that I feel very personally connected to, and it was well worth the wait!”

Wizard house by Signe Gabriel, a second year student in Visual Communication.
Wizard’s House by Signe Gabriel, a second year student in Visual Communication.