Exhibition K3 Students

Vårutställning 2017 – Degree Exhibition for Graphic Design, Product Design and Visual Communication

Welcome to Vårutställning 2017, the degree exhibition by architectural and design education at Malmö and Lund University. K3 is represented by bachelor programmes in Graphic Design, Product Design and Visual Communication.  The exhibition is open May 25 to June 4 at Form/Design Center.  Read about the exhibition at 

Education Exhibition K3 Students

Material Driven Design

Product Design students have been developing new sustainable and resource-efficient materials and the result is now an exhibition at Form/Design Center in Malmö.  Read more about the exhibition here. The exhibition will continue to March 26th.   

Education Exhibition K3 Students Uncategorized

Inauguration of Mitt Formspråk by Product Design

P4 Malmöhus/Radio Sweden interviewed students at the inauguration of Mitt formspråk by Product Design. The exhibition is open until January 29 at Form/Design Center, Malmö. Read about the exhibition here.

Education Exhibition K3 Students

Vårutställning – Product Design

VÅRUTSTÄLLNING 2016 @ MALMÖ LIVE 26.05.16 – 05.06.16 Pressrelease with more information about the students projects.

Education Exhibition

Save the World or Die Trying by Product Design


Education K3 Alumni K3 Students

Meeting with Product Design Alumni

Yesterday Product Design alumni returned to Malmö University to meet teachers and programme students. The alumni had a tour of the new premises in Niagara and they visited the studio and workshop in Orkanen before they went to the inauguration of the degree exhibition at Malmö Live. During spring, Product Design have sent out a […]

Education Events Exhibition

Degree Exhibition for Graphic Design, Product Design and Visual Communication Coming Up

VÅRUTSTÄLLNING 2016 @ MALMÖ LIVE Onsdag 25 maj kl 18-21 Återigen samlar Form/Design Center regionens design- och arkitekturutbildningar för en gemensam examensutställning. I år samarbetar vi med Malmö Live, som i tio dagar låter studenterna ta plats i sina fina lokaler. I utställningen visas kandidat- och masterprojekt från följande utbildningar: Arkitektskolan, Lunds universitet Industridesignskolan, Lunds […]