About the team

Principal investigators

Emma Björner (Gothenburg University)
Emma Björner, Researcher in marketing with a focus on place branding and tourism at Gothenburg Research Institute, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. The focus area in TiMS is on the multiple identities in place branding and sustainable tourism destinations, and how the plurality of places and destinations is communicated, represented and experienced.

Eva Maria Jernsand (Gothenburg University)
Eva Maria Jernsand, researcher in marketing with a focus on tourism and place branding at School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. The focus area in TiMS is collaborative place- and destination development and branding.

Helena Kraff (Gothenburg University)
Helena Kraff, senior lecturer and researcher in design with a focus on participatory methodologies and practices, at the Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg. The focus areas in TiMS are opportunities and challenges with multistakeholder collaboration in place- and destination development.  

Sayaka Osanami Törngren (Malmö University)
Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Associate Professor in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, and Senior Researcher at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Global Political Studies at Malmö University. Her focus areas in TIMS are racial diversity, equity and representation.

Associated researchers

Pieter Bevelander (Malmö University)
Tomas Pederson (Malmö University/University West)
Marcus Nyström (Lund University)
Sofia Ulver (Lund University)

International academic partners

Hirohisa Takenoshita, Keio University
Lillian Omondi, Maseno University
Emi Moriuchi, Rochester Institute of Technology
Hong Fan, Tsinghua University

Public and private partners

Lysekils kommun 
Malmö Museer 
Mistra Urban Futures
Tikitut CBT
Visit Sweden

Advisory Board

Can Seng Ooi, University of Tasmania
Katarina Mattsson, Södertörn University
Dianne Dredge, The Tourism CoLab
Lars Aronsson, Karlstad University. Professor of human geography at the Department of Geography, Media and Communication at Karlstad University. His research has included tourism, local and regional development, place making, sustainability in the highly mobile society, and cultural economy.